After 33 years of RTTY operating here are my 33 whys of RTTY ;o)
This rant is dedicated to Ted who thought I didn't Blog often enough!
- Why don't some RTTY stations insert a space at the end of their callsign so it doen't run into the following text?
- Why is there always an Italian or Ukranian calling CQ on the spot frequency of the DX you need?
- Why do stations running a split listen to every frequency but the one I call on?
- Why doesn't eveyone use unshift on space so I don't have to use mousover to decipher their serial numbers?
- Why don't any Nigerian stations use LOTW?
- Why can't I ever seem to work Utah or Delaware when Alaska and California are so easy?
- Why is RTTY on 14.08 21.08 28.08 and then 50.3?
- Why am I still waiting for my first country on 4M RTTY?
- Why can't some stations spot frequencies correctly i.e. carrier f0 = mark frquency?
- Why do some stations use AFSK and then compound the sin by using AFC?
- Why doesn't N1MM remember my comment for all spots when re-started?
- Why use 75baud RTTY when its 50% faster but 50% more errors?
- Why is PSK 31 and RTTY so mixed together on 10Mhz?
- Why are there only about two stations active in each African country except ZS?
- Why do some sations have strange shifts wider than 170Hz?
- Why can't some stations seem to net correctly?
- Why do I seem to miis the leading "I" when first tuning a station on 20M so I stop thinking its K6NNN when its only IK6NNN?
- Why are there more licenced hams in Japan than in the US?
- Why do some stations seem to have a line feed fetish (Didn't they ever run RTTY on a Teletype machine)?
- Why do conditions deteriorate exactly one minute before a contest starts?
- Why don't more stations run RTTY on Top Band (I only have seven countries confirmed)?
- Why do some stations stop transmitting at the end of their over with no CR LF?
- Why does RTTY rock and PSK suck?
- Why are all the finest hams on RTTY?
- Why is it called RTTY (Radio Teletype) and not RTTE?
- Why is there still no software for AMTOR when the available firmware is getting really ancient?
- Why isn't more RTTY/Ham software written for Linux distros (I'm tired of having to run Micro$oft Windoze in my shack)?
- Why don't contest organisers set operating frequency limits and exclude contacts (Or disqualify competitors) who go outside these limits to stop interference to other band users?
- Why do some Russian RTTY stations never copy you even when you run QRO?
- why do some RTTY stations sign/QRP when we already know how weak they are?
- Why are there only about four RTTY hams in China none of whom ever seem run more than a noodle for an antenna?
- Why do I enjoy RTTY operating so much?